Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How does your garden grow?

I planted my frist garden April 15th and I am so proud of myself I wanted to show it off to the world. I made a trip to Lowes and bought a few boards and put this little 1o by 12 box together.
Then I put one scoop of top soil from LCR in the little box and put down the weed block, and just look what happened. I have two yellow squash plants and one green squash, three tomato plants, three bush cumcumbers, three bell pepper and pole beans in the middle.

It is growing and growing and growing, and I am so over joyed. Hope the deer dont find it!!

Cumcumber, I picked one today. Yummy

Yellow squash picked two yesterday and four today. I will be eating them tomorrow. The next two pic's are of a tomato I planted in a big bucket. I started to pick that big one today but, I think I will let it rippen a little more on the vine. I like my tomato's real red. It is a really big one I think one slice will cover a slice of bread.

Maybe the tomato sandwich will be my next post.

Hope you enjoyed my garden tour. LOL


Brewton Girl said...

Great job Nancy! I love the picket fence. My gardens coming along too, but looking at yours makes me think I need to use some Miracle Grow.

Shelia said...

Beautiful Beautiful! Nice job! My garden is a place of solace for me. I love being in it! Tragically, we lost our watermelon plants to the ding dang squirrels!

Anonymous said...

Good work Granny. YUM BLT's

Judy said...

Very Nice....

Wendy said...
