Well I know its late but better late than never. Here is this "Lucky Duck" again he was on my deck again trying to eat my plants. Where is that"Devil Dog" when you need him?
I was down at the shop this evening and spotted my Italian cypress. I was daydreaming about climbing to the top for my pot of gold. I planted that little tree about 30 years ago, and it was about 12 inches tall. I wish I could reach to measure it now. It reaches way above all the live oaks. I can stand on my front porch where I live now and see it. It towers about four or five feet above most of the other trees down there.
We had a thunder storm this afternoon, lots of wind and rain. There was a beautiful rainbow that I wasn't able to capture. I think I know someone who did though. We will wait and see.
This pic reminds me of melt in your mouth cotton candy.
Amy here, posting mom's "round" photo for the challenge. She asked me to do it because it is so late (nearly 1 a.m.), and she has already gone to bed. Mom, Dad, Jimmy and Sharon all headed over to Savannah this week to take the guys to Bass Pro Shops, and mom got this picture of their aquarium. Pretty cool shot.